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My Approach

Imagine, that with the right guidance, you can find a place inside of you, deep in your core; a place you can feel in your bones and in every cell of your body, that emanates peacefulness and pleasantness, from which all thoughts and decisions can be made.  Doesn't that sound wonderful?


When you are capable of distinguishing the difference between the head (ego/mind/conscious) from the heart (body/soul/subconscious), healing and real lasting change can occur.    Permanent healing and can be quick and efficient.  Creating change and dissolving the blocks that prevent us from moving forward toward our goals, can be smooth and effortless.  This is a skill in the toolbox of your life that can serve you very well, now and in the years to come.


Lev Emunah Therapy is about allowing versus forcing, as well as the fundamental idea that one doesn't need to add anything to “improve”.   Everyone has a peaceful, pleasant, calm and intelligent core that can be REVEALED layer by layer through the Lev Emunah Therapy process.  


Inner balance and success in all aspects of life can be achieved using the guidelines of Lev Emunah Therapy.   Some of the benefits:


  • Live with more compassion towards yourself and others

  • Identify, release and effectively let go of unpleasant emotions, limiting beliefs, painful and traumatic memories, energetic and subconscious blocks 

  • Create empathic connections in relationships

  • Heal the emotional state through empathy and self compassion 

  • Enjoy having power with people as opposed to using power over people 

  • Manifest and create the more desirable reality where one can have, do, and be what they choose.

  • Identify and live by ones highest values 

  • Have an understanding of the different types of meditation and begin enjoying a wonderful daily meditation practice 

  • Live with more confidence

  • Learn what living Emunah is really all about and understand the processes and meditations for harnessing the powerful benefits of Emunah 

  • Learn how to pray in a way that incorporates the principles of releasing, empathic connections, manifesting and Emunah


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